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Topics - ChrisG

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Map'n'Modding / [MAPPING] ????? ;D
« on: July 18, 2012, 03:44:37 am »
Breezehome Test, not finished (only roof is original texture)
/>This will be the texture for the doors inside. Decompiled and edited from another great game.

I always thought about a map where every level is made by a different mapper.
/>So i just bring this project up. Lets hope it will work.  :D
/>If you are good in mapping and having an idea for a puzzle level then you're welcome.
/>- Lobby will be made by me
/>- I think about 10 levels
/>- I think about 1 Level per mapper (maybe)
/>- Your level should be possible to solve of course
/>- Your level only needs a player_start which will be deleted later by me (the teleport from lobby will made by me)
/>- Your level should not reach ~10% brushs/brushsides, ~10% entdata and so on (so max with 10 levels is max. 100%, i can optimize much but not everything)
/>- Every level can have a sign with your name if you want, if not i will give credits in lobby anyway of course
/>- You can upload your level (.bsp) and post the link here if you want for beta-test
/>- If you think you're done you need to send me the .vmf file in private and maybe the custom stuff (models/materials/sounds)
/>- Always check your map for problems, if a map is too buggy and has too much problems which give much work too fix i could maybe denied it
/>- If needed give some intructions to me, if there is something special i need to know
/>Lets see how it's going. Good luck.  /hi

Map'n'Modding / [FIX] Spray Fix (HL2DM)
« on: June 16, 2012, 03:56:25 pm »
Some of you may noticed that there is a bug with your sprays, i dont know if all of you have this or only some of you, atleast i have this bug.
/>BUG: The config.cfg is not correctly loading.
/>I noticed that my spray is in it long time ago but i didnt know that its not loading correctly cause all the other settings (binds etc.) works great, thanks Berni for solution 1).

/>The last used spray is not saving, means you have to set it again after game restart. For all who have the same problem, 4 possible solutions to fix it. Let me know how it works cause these fixes wasnt figured out by me. All sounds plausible. I will try them too.
/>1) Best solution: 
  • Open your steam game library.
  • Right-Click on HL2DM and properties.
  • Open the Launch Options.
  • Most of you already have +console and/or +novid in it so here is the command for reload the config.cfg at every start of HL2DM. +exec config.cfg"
2) Easy solution: 
/>3) Also easy: (tested and it works perfect)
  • Open your steam game library.
  • Right-Click on HL2DM and properties.
  • Open the Launch Options.
  • Most of you already have +console and/or +novid in it so here is the command for set your spray. +cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/sprayname.vtf"
  • For sprayname.vtf you can set every .vtf name in folder STEAM\SteamApps\youraccount\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\materials\VGUI\logos or if you know how to create your own .vtf, save it there.

/>4) Maybe a bit difficult:
  • Open your autoexec.cfg with notepad, if you dont have one just start notepad.
  • Add this line in it. cl_logofile "materials/vgui/logos/sprayname.vtf"
  • For sprayname.vtf you can set every .vtf name in folder STEAM\SteamApps\youraccount\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\materials\VGUI\logos or if you know how to create your own .vtf, save it there.
  • "Save" or "save as" it as autoexec.cfg (all files)
Tell me your experience. And if you already know these things dont troll. :P

« on: June 16, 2012, 03:52:54 pm »
  • No spamming, only if the thread (spam-thread) says it's ok!
  • Don't create more spam-threads!
  • No insulting or flaming allowed: any flamereply will be modified or removed directly.
  • Use topics for the right reason, Off-topic replies will either be replaced or removed.
  • No racist comments, pictures, links or whatever!
  • No hardcore pictures, links or whatever!
  • No annoying the admin, you can ask something but dont ask to much!
  • No private messaging the admins for questions like unban or begging or whatever!
  • No bump posts!
  • No links with sites what you can't close without use STRG+ALT+ENTF / CTRL + ALT + DEL! Every link must have an X or a button to close the window!
  • No posting in ban-protests and ban-submissions, leave it to the admins and roots!
  • Don't post in threads they are older than me! (<-- ironic) If a thread is already answered then you don't have to post!
  • Don't make a protest thread if you have no reason, that means... if someone is reporting you you don't need immediatly make a protest, we disabled the reply option for non-thread owner cause of this!
  • Do use meaningful titles for topics!
Any violation of these rules will be punished with a warning and next a forum-ban and/ or a server ban!

/>This list may be expanded! If you have any ideas for the forum-rules then you can post!

  • Kein Spam, Ausnahme ist der offizielle Spam-Thread!
  • Das erstellen weiterer Spam-Threads ist verboten!
  • Beleidigen, mobben usw. ist verboten: Jede beleidigende Antwort wird sofort geändert oder gelöscht.
  • Bitte nur Antworten zum entsprechenden Thema schreiben, Antworten, die nicht dem Thema entsprechen (OFF-Topic) werden verschoben ober entfernt.
  • Das schreiben oder mitteilen von rassistischen, menschenverletzenden, pornografischen oder sonstigen jugendgefährdeten Inhalten ist verboten!
  • Nicht die Admins mit Fragen nerven, die ein oder andere Frage ist natürlich gestattet.
  • Keine privaten Nachrichten an Admins schreiben, die einen unban oder ähnliches verlangen.
  • Keine "hochschieb" (bump) Beiträge! (aufpuschen unbeantworteter Threads)
  • Das verlinken von Seiten, die sich nur mit STRG+ALT+ENTF oder mit ALT+F4 schließen lassen ist verboten! Jede Seite muss ein [X] oder ähnliches zum schließen haben!
  • Ältere Themen, die abgeschlossen / geklärt sind, müssen nicht mehr beantwortet werden: Nichts weiter drin posten!
  • Keine Banproteste ohne Grund! Wenn dich jemand reportet hat, heißt das nicht, dass du direkt einen Protest schreiben musst. Wir haben das beantworten von Themen im Ban/Protest bereich deswegen deaktiviert!
  • Benutze nur sinnvolle Überschriften für neue Themen...
Jede Verletzung der Regeln wird zunächst mit einer Warnung geahndet. Bei wiederholtem Verletzen droht ein Forum und/ oder Serverban!
Die Regeln werden immer erweitert. Wenn du eine gute und sinnvolle Idee für eine Regel findest, dann kannst du sie uns mitteilen!
Translation: Icewind
  • Zakaz spamowania, posty moga znajdowac sie tylko w tematach do tego przeznaczonych (tzw. Spam threads)!
  • Tworzenie bezcelowych nowych spam-thread'ow jest zakazane!
  • W postach: nie obrazamy, nie flame'ujemy - kazdy taki post zostanie edytowany lub natychmiast usuniety a autor poniesie kare.
  • W danym temacie prosimy pisac na temat, tak zwany "Off topic" zostanie usuniety lub edytowany. Dalsze odpowiadanie nie na temat moze skutkowac zablokowaniem konta!
  • Zadnych rasistowskich komentarzy, zdjec, linkow i tym podobnych!
  • Zadnych "hardkorowych" zdjec i linkow (np. pornografii czy zdjec przy ktorych zwrocisz swoj ostatni posilek)
  • Prosimy nie denerwowac adminow, mozna oczywiscie zadawac pytania ale bez spamowania i bez przesady!
  • Zakazuje sie wysylac wiadomosci prywatne (PM) do adminow w kwestiach: zdjecia bana, skrocenia bana, zalenia sie czy blagania.
  • Zadnych tzw. "bump posts" - czyli postow, ktorych zadaniem jest podbicie tematu w gore!
  • Zadnych linkow ktore da sie wylaczyc jedynie za pomoca CTRL+ALT+DEL lub ALT+F4! Kazdy link powinien miec przycisk wylaczenia okna lub [X] w gornym rogu okna.
  • Jezeli ban nie dotyczy ciebie, zakazuje sie pisania w sekcji Bans and Protest. Zadnego blagania i dowodzenia niewinnosci kolegi czy popierania go w banie. To zadanie adminow!
  • Jezeli temat jest starszy (ma na przyklad rok czy dwa lata) zastanow sie 10 razy czy na pewno potrzeba w nim pisac? Za napisanie jednego slowa w 2 letnim temacie mozna dostac blokade konta na forum!
  • Nie protestuj w sekcji "Ban and Reports" od razu jezeli ktos cie zreportowal. To znaczy: jezeli ktos napisal na Ciebie protest, poczekaj na odpowiedz admina, tlumaczyc sie mozesz jedynie jezeli dostaniesz bana!
  • Uzywaj opisowych nazw tematow! Nazwa "..." nic nam nie mowi i jest mala szansa, ze ten temat przeczytamy!
Jakiekolwiek zlamanie wyzej wymienionych zasad skutkowac bedzie ostrzezeniem a nastepnie banem na forum lub / oraz serwerow!
Ta lista bedzie poszerzana, jezeli masz pomysl na nowe zasady - wymien je w tym temacie.
Translation: Witto
  • Geen spam, alleen als er in de topic zegt dat het kan!
  • Creëer niet meer topics over hetzelfde onderwerp dan nodig is!
  • Je mag niet beledigen of flamen: Elke flamereactie dat er gemaakt wordt, zal veranderd of verwijderd worden.
  • Gebruik topics voor de goede reden, ga niet afwijken van de onderwerp. Reacties die afwijken zullen verplaatst of verwijderd worden.
  • Geen racistische reacties, plaatjes, links of wat je maar kunt bedenken!
  • Geen hevige seksuele reacties, plaatjes, links of wat je maar kunt bedenken!
  • Je kunt een admin dingen vragen, maar ga hem niet staan irriteren.
  • Admins negeren persoonlijke berichtjes over bedelen zoals unbans.
  • Je mag reacties niet gebruiken om je topic vooraan te plaatsen.
  • Geen links sturen van sites waarvan je ze niet kunt sluiten via normale manieren. Elke pagina na de link moet een X (aflsuitknopje) bevatten.
  • Reageer niet in topics die oud zijn tenzij je zeker bent dat je er iets relevants aan kunt toevoegen.
  • Alleen de eigenaar van de protest topic kan reageren. Indien je ergens niet mee eens bent zul je zelf een topic moeten aanmaken.
  • Als een protest topic beantwoord is, moet je de topic niet weer heropenen.
  • Maak geen protest topic indien er geen reden voor is. Bijv. Een protest topic maken alleen omdat iemand je nog alleen maar heeft aangegeven.
  • Protest topics zijn er om te beoordelen of mensen daadwerkelijk iets hebben gedaan. Ga niet dingen aan toevoegen of de heft in handen nemen. Daar hebben we genoeg admins en roots voor.
  • Gebruik nuttige namen voor de topics!
Het breken van deze regels zal resulteren in een waarschuwing met vervolg een ban op de forums en/of op de servers.
/>Deze lijst kan uitgebreid worden. Indien je ideeën hebt, schroom niet om ze aan te bieden.
Translation: Yamato
  • Ingen spam, kun hvis titlen hedder (spam-thread)!
  • Du skal ikke oprette flere spam-threads!
  • Du må ikke svine andre til, eller skrive noget som ikke omhandler emnet. Alt der skrives som ikke omhandler emnet vil blive slettet eller redigeret straks.
  • Opret kun nye "topic" (poster) for en gældende grund, ikke noget latterligt. Alt der ingen idé med noget som helst vil blive slettet eller redigeret.
  • Ingen racistiske kommentarer, billeder, eller links!
  • Ingen nøgenbillder eller links!
  • Irretér ikke administratorene (admins), du må selvfølgelig gerne spørge, men ikke om alting!
  • Ingen private beskeder til administratorene (admins) om spørgsmål som unban eller lignende!
  • Ingen dumme poste eller lignende
  • Ingen sider til links som du ikke kan lukke uden at bruge ALT+CTRL+DEL e/ STRG+ALT+ENTF! Alle links skal have et X eller en knap til at lukke hjemmesiden ned!
  • Ingen post i "Ban-Protests" og "Ban-submissions", lad det være til administratorene!
  • Ikke post i rigtig gamle threads, hvis en thread allerede er blevet besvaret, skal du ikke poste!
  • Du skal ikke lave en ban protest, før du er banned. Hvis du bliver rapporteret, skal du ikke lave en protest med det samme!
  • Brug kun meningsfulde navne til din topic!
Brud på hvilken som helst regl kan medføre kick/ban fra vores servere, hvis du bruger meget tid på at være her, så spil fair!
Reglerne skifter nogle gange, så kig herinde nogle gange!
/>Translation: Funman
  • Zadne spamovani, jenom kdyz je to na tema (spam-thread) tak je to v poradku!
  • Nevytvarejte vice spamovacich temat!
  • Zadne urazeni nebo divocarny nejsou povolene: nejake divoke odpovedi budou upraveny nebo rovnou vymazany.
  • Pouzivejte temata pro prave duvody, odpovedi mimo temata budou bud nahrazeny nebo odstraneny.
  • Zadne rasistyck?? poznamky, obrazky, odkazy a tak podobne!
  • Zadne tvrde obrazky, odkazy a tak podobne!
  • Zadne otravov??n?? administatora, muzes se na neco zeptat, ale ne az moc!
  • Zadne osobni zpravy s administratory na otazky jako zruseni zakazu nebo zebrani a tak podobne!
  • Zadne tvrde prispevky!
  • Zadne odkazy se strankami, ktere nemuzes zavrit bez pouziti STRG+ALT+ENTF / CTRL + ALT + DEL! Kazdy odkaz musi mit X nebo tlacitko pro zavreni okna!
  • Zadne prispivani v ban-protests a ban-submissions, nechej to na administratory a zakladnich administratorech!
  • Zadne prispivani k tematum ktere jsou starsi nez ja! Kdyz na tema je uz davno odpovezeno tak nemas prispivat!
  • Nedelej protestni tema kdyz nemas duvod, to znamena... Kdyz nekdo nahlasuje, nemusite ihned delat protest, kvuly tomu jsme vypnuli moznost odpovedet na nevlastnene tema!
  • Pouzij smyslne nazvy temat!
Jakekoli poruseni techto pravidel bude trestano varovani a dalsi ban na forum a /
/>nebo zakaz na serveru!

/>Tento seznam muze byt rozsiren! Pokud mate nejake napady k pravidlum fora, pak
/>budete moci odeslat!

/>Translation: Micvit_CZ
  • Pas de spam, seulement si le sujet ( sujet à spam ) est bon !
  • Ne créer pas plus de sujet à spam qu'il ne faut!
  • Pas d'insultes ni de provocations permise: Toutes répliques provocante seras modifié ou directement.
  • Utiliser les sujets pour la bonne raison, les réponses hors-sujet seront aussi replacé/modifié ou effacer.
  • Pas de commentaires, de photos, de liens ou n'importe-quoi d'autre de raciste!
  • Pas de photo ou de liens ou n'importe-quoi d'autre de pornographique.
  • N'embêter pas les administrateur, vous pouvez leur demander de l'aide mais pas tout le temps!
  • Pas de message privé aux administrateurs pour les questions de demandes de déban ou pour implorer leur pardon ou d'autre chose!
  • Ne postez pas sur les sujets trop vieux !
  • Pas de liens au sites qu'on ne peut pas fermer sans utiliser CTRL + ALT + SUP ! Tous les liens doivent avoir une croix ou un bouton pour fermer la fenêtre !
  • Pas de messages dans la section pour les protestation contre les bans ou pour soumettre une demande de ban, laissez ça aux admins ou administrateurs !
  • Ne postez pas sur les sujets plus vieux que moi! (? ironique ) Si quelqu'un a déjà répondu a la question d'un sujet vous n'avez pas repondre encore!
  • Ne créer pas de sujet pour protester si nous n'avez aucune raison de le faire, ce qui veut dire que si quelqu'un vous à rapporter vous n'avez pas besoin de directement faire une protestation, nous avons enlevé l'option pour répondre au sujet de cette section a cause de ça !
  • Utilisez des titres explicite pour vos sujets!
Toutes violation de ces règles seras punis par un avertissement puis un ban du forum et/ou du serveur!
Cette liste peut-être mise à jour! Si vous avez une idée pour les règles du forums alors vous pouvez nous les poster!
/>Translation: jool / Correction: Cadar

Offtopic & Fun / SPAMTHREAD
« on: June 16, 2012, 03:28:22 pm »
The ever-popular spamthread. Nothing more to say.
/> :) ;) :p /nod :D /hi \-_-/ :*) rofl (:] d^_^ /stop :Q /,,/ B) <:-) :d -_- ^_- O:) >:D <: ^^* :* :-*
/> /bh phone /$ duff >-I ~D ~=] pizza :<> muscle music movie rain sun
/> whew /F6 ~_~ -o- -_-* hmm O_o <_< :I /no :/ >< :S :X tth ':[ :o O.O ,,/,, ;( >:) D-I /:] o--o :-I :< >_<

Map'n'Modding / [MAPPING] RP_CG_GTOWN
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:48:24 pm »
This video is for all players who think we don't work hard on Manni`s TEST House! >:(
/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
/>Not the best quality! And... i hate fraps!!! :-X
/>Greetz GPOINT
Quote from: DarkerMark
Here's my view of the things: Quality is bearable I think :)
/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>

/>Status v04: (4maps version) 4 more fun.
/>Pictures doesnt show the final version, its fast compiled (no lights). Its just some little hints how it will look like.
/>RELEASE: unknown but i work hard on it at moment.
/>Biggest changes: Subway (2 trains left/right) roundtrack. 3 Stations
/>Changed cars: (i forgot to make one of Blutrauschs Hostel)
/>Normal and Snow-Version: (both Day and Night)
/>And some other changes and Secrets...
/>First Train finished, good movings i think, good sounds too.
/>Front looks a bit stupid i know but who cares. XD
/>Performance Test:
/>Test: Blocking Train
/>Alyx OMG!
/>Alyx JUMP!
/>Cant show the last picture, it too brutal.
/>Next Test: Train Surfing
/>Next Text: Fixing Cars
/>Icewind cant open cause of Child Lock:
Quote from: Icewind
Yay.. was heavy to open the damn f.... door  >:(
/>But anyway, the "officer" helped me  :police:
/>And tested how it is to sit in a better car than a "bobbycar":
/>And then he found his pistol...

/>Execution Room:
/>Thunderbutton (blue) and Headcrabbutton (brown) deleted. = -18 blizzard, - 18 trigger, - 36 brushs, - 8 headcrabs, -8 spawner, -3 headcrabsettings, - 2 buttons, -2 lights, - 1 sound = -96 Entities.
/>Executionroom now with public viewing. (ADULT ONLY)
/>Teleport Bank <---> Hospital deleted
/>Teleport Hospital <---> SPAR Discount added
/>Changed Textures.
/>Bank-Secret Room:
/>Elevator fixed (Money Stuck)
/>New secret way... and more
/>Combine Base:
/>Sound "Razzia" replaced.
/>and more...
/>If everything works fine it will be legen... wait for it...
/>....dary !!!
/>Areaportal_windows in G-Apps. (Its fading in and out so the outside/inside is only rendering while going close to it)
/>LIVE Execution
/>Tunnel centre<--->gollywood collapsed (in memory of all the innocent players which got killed by willfully destroying deathmatchers) There are 4 other ways for go to gollywood!
/>New vending machine (coffee) Maybe Chanz can make plugin, coffee = 30 sec tripple-speed or something. And improved cola automats. (cans not falling down)
/>Can you figure out where this is? ;)
/>New Grass in sewer cause old is compile-broken by OB Update.
/>New plates and signs on cars.
/>OPS. Im almost done btw.
/>Dont smoke!!!
/>The new map.
/>Are you ok? :S
/>Day and Night version finished... day_we and night_we (Winter Edition) almost
/>Changelog v04:
/>- 2 new map version (_snow/ _winter) = (day/ night)
/>- Underground section (2 trains/ canalisation)
/>- Pubic Viewing Executionroom
/>- 6 little new apps
/>- Minikillbox changed to Surprisebox
/>- Executionroom reduced to 4 deathbuttons
/>- many optimized brushwork
/>- Tunnel Centre/ Gollywood closed
/>- Matrix Teleporter changed
/>- new car models
/>- many texture/ sound changes
/>- some bugfixes
/>- and much more...
/>There is much more secrets and new apps but i dont show everything.
/>+ 4 different (day/night/snow/winter) brandnew soundscapes.txt files (21 different soundscapes added on ~180 places) with much custom sounds. Great atmosphere. My personally favourite = Creep Apps! Makes poo in pants! XD
/>Im almost done btw. Maybe next weekend... maybe. Compiling... :s
/>Jails updated. Pictures dont have Lights/Shadows!
/>Hmm... ?
/>Changelog v05:
/>- 18 new apps
/>- Creep apps fixed
/>- fixed the christmas tree in Surprise Box xD
/>- fixed a texture in bank
/>- new hospital
/>- new area (Space)
/>- new PD areas
/>- new area (Parking Garage)
/>- changed most custom textures resolution from 512x512 to 256x256 (performance)
/>- changed all .wav soundfiles to .mp3
/>- added more areaportals (performance)
/>- removed useless brushworks (performance)
/>- added Cookie Quest
/>- removed 3 floors of elevator in Berni's Hotel Sunshine (saved entities, more performance)
/>- added custom soundscapes (different in every version)
/>- changed some zone sizes
/>- added nocrime zone
/>- changed day/night change from 7am/pm to 6am/pm
/>- removed DLC Player-Model (Kitty2 / Kitty3 / Kitty4)
/>- added DLC Sound (tnt / summer / winter / space (7 different))
/>- added 2 new jobs (Space Cowboy / Space Invader)
/>- removed all leaks which was still there (more performance / compile time reduced)
/>- changed sky _day
/>- changed lightings in all versions (more shadows, more performance)
/>- closed most shops in _night maps
/>- added breakable windows in _night maps
/>- added openable windows in Blutrausch's Hostel and GPOINT's Appartments
/>- added bells at Manni's 4 Season Houses
/>- changed advertise in centre at _winter (custom made by me)
/>- changed Milk Shake Bar
/>- changed jails from 6 to 4 and with interior
/>- little change at laser quest in execution-room
/>- added 3 new fake houses at gollywood
/>- changed the sewer in desert (performance)
/>- added new fake houses in skybox
/>- added windows with lights in _night maps
/>- i guess thats all
/>Changelog _v06:
/>- fixed a server crash bug
/>Hmmm? Take a look at the streets. :P
/>And of course they move... XD (100% made by me)
/>Uh Oh XD

Map'n'Modding / [TESTING] Tested some skyboxes!
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:36:02 pm »
I've downloaded some skyboxes! Just want to show you cause they look awesome.
/>These skies are just ~5% of all i've downloaded. : D

Map'n'Modding / [MODDING] My first Fallout New Vegas Mods
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:32:58 pm »
You want to cheat? You dont want to loose achievements? Best way is a mod... i made this little mod for Fallout New Vegas.
/>Only download it if you really want to cheat!!!
/>1) Download this file! --->  !DOWNLOAD!
2) Unzip it in your STEAM/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/Data  -folder
/>3) Start the FalloutNVLauncher.exe
/>4) Here click on Data Files and activate the file Cheat.esp
/>5) Start Fallout New Vegas
/>6) Go to the house where you awaked (Dr. Mitchell) and left of this automat where you has set your strength and so on is a shelf... in this shelf there is a Gun Case... OPEN IT! And be the happiest Cheater of the world! And dont take all or you will get problems with your weight! You can also use Console God-Cheat if you want to take all but this would be real cheating.
/>If you want more stuff in this box let me know... :P I can make v02 if you want! XD
/>Gun Case Inventory:
/>- 100x Gauss Gun (Gaussgewehr) with 10.000 Damage
/>- 10.000 Micro Fusion Cells (Ammo for the Gauss Gun)
/>- 1000 Super-Stimpacks
/>- 65535 Caps (max of MOD)
/>- all Bobble Heads!!! XD
/>New Mod:
/>All Weapons dont need Ammo, dont have weight and dont need to reload!
/>- Not compatible with Cheat.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first!
/>- No Ammo dont work for grenades and mines!
/>1) Download this file! --->  !DOWNLOAD!
2) Unzip it in your STEAM/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/Data  -folder
/>3) Start the FalloutNVLauncher.exe
/>4) Here click on Data Files and activate the file Weapons_NOAmmoWeightReload_CG_v01.esp
/>5) Start Fallout New Vegas
/>6) Have fun!
/>Extra: In Doc Mitchells house in the shelf box is a little present for you if you want!
/>New Mod:
/>You will get many magazines so you can Level Up your lockpicking, science or whatever you want to max 100.
/>- Not compatible with Cheat.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first!
/>- Not compatible with Weapons_NOAmmoWeightReload_CG_v01.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first! You can enable it after you leveled up your character but disable this mod than.
/>- The magazines are in Doc Mitchells house in the shelf box!

/>1) Download this file! --->  !DOWNLOAD!
2) Unzip it in your STEAM/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/Data  -folder
/>3) Start the FalloutNVLauncher.exe
/>4) Here click on Data Files and activate the file magazines_LevelUp_Max_CG_v01.esp
/>5) Start Fallout New Vegas
/>6) Have fun!
/>New Mod:
/>The Euclids C Finder (german: Euclids C Detector) is the most powerful weapon in Fallout New Vegas ( /call Mothership Zeta  ;) ) but what if you made the wrong choice in the HELIOS ONE Quest?  :o You cant activate this weapon anymore?  :-\ WRONG!!! With this mod the weapon is activated immediatly after you've got it.  :D And you dont need ammo so the "only use every 24 hours" limit is disabled!  :P
/>- Not compatible with Cheat.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first!
/>- Not compatible with Weapons_NOAmmoWeightReload_CG_v01.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first! If you want a Combo-Mod ask me!
/>1) Download this file! --->  !DOWNLOAD!
2) Unzip it in your STEAM/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/Data  -folder
/>3) Start the FalloutNVLauncher.exe
/>4) Here click on Data Files and activate the file Euclids_C_Finder_activated.esp
/>5) Start Fallout New Vegas
/>6) Have fun!
/>How to get this weapon?
/>In New Vegas Freeside, 2 kids running along the street and the boy has a little gun in his hand, looks like a toy gun, you can ask him for this gun, he wants 1.000.000 Caps first but if you talk again he says 1000 Caps, still too much, with good speech you can get this gun for 20 caps... you can also wait till night and rob this boy.
/>This gun doesnt work at all normally... (Shit he scammed you  >:( ) Naaa. You can activate this gun in the HELIOS ONE Quest but you have to choose the 4th option for the electricity (ARCHIEMEDES II)... so this mod is for all who didnt made this choice and/or didnt know that like me. I made this Quest before i've got this gun and after looking for infos about this gun in internet i thought: Shit... i need a mod.
/>This gun is very cool, works at day and night but not in houses as long as i tested. Normally cause its a big f***ing laser from space. XD You dont get connection in houses or underground.

Map'n'Modding / [MAPPING] cg_football
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:28:25 pm »
/>* fixed no gravgun while playing, added gravgun at entry
/>* fixed ball block in corner, added clips (should work better)
/>* fixed fast goal abuse, edited time before new ball spawns after goal
/>* fixed sound spam, edited time before a sound-trigger can start again
/>added things for no block of ball in corner/sites and so on like:
/>* corner-trigger (if ball goes out left or right of goal it will teleported to corner for corner-kick)
/>* out-trigger (if balls goes out of field it will be pushed up and in for Throw-in)
/>(The ball is more inside now and not always blocked on walls and corners... much better play-feeling)
/>* added corner-flags
/>* added new referee-sound (for corner and out)
/>Changelog _v07:
/>* fixed OB-Bug: disappearing ball (prop_physics_respawnable)
/>* HDR Compile
/>First Youtube Video, to pitty it has soundlags.
/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>

This is the coolest thing i ever saw. I wish i had learned that before i made just a texture waterfall in GTOWN IV. XD

Map'n'Modding / [MODDING] Background Maps
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:18:39 pm »
Well, i was bored so i made a little HL2DM background map.
/>What is that?
/>It's a background for your HL2DM Game Menu (first start), but not only a picture, its a map!
/>It has flickering lights, moving water, sounds and HDR Compile!

/>How to install?
/>1) You need to download! DOWNLOAD:
/>2) Unzip!
/>3) Copy gtownbackground.bsp in folder  STEAM/steamapps/youraccountname/half-life 2 deathmatch/hl2mp/maps/
/>4) Copy autoexec.cfg in folder STEAM/steamapps/youraccountname/half-life 2 deathmatch/hl2mp/cfg/    (If you already have a autoexec.cfg you can copy/past the command from mine to yours)
/>5) Start HL2DM
/>Known bugs/problems: I have no idea how to disable the OK Button at start, you can press it manually but if you know how to press that automatically let me know.
/>How to uninstall?
/>1) Just remove the command from your autoexec.cfg
/>Made a new background map. Will fix the height of camera a bit cause of menu and still want to add birds flying and a ship in skybox.
/>For now it has: (swinging palm, moving shark, moving water, sounds and a coconut!!!) XD

Map'n'Modding / [MAPPING] cg_????????? xD
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:13:53 pm »
Made with original drawing by K.D.Rosa and D.Shane, no final-colors yet. All textures are made by me.  ;D
/>Thx Blutrausch for this nice model. :D
/>Thx again Blut.  ;D
/>10th floor (Weapon Room) (Armory)

Map'n'Modding / [MAPPING] cg_takeshis_castle
« on: June 16, 2012, 01:46:48 pm »
If you know Takeshis Castle you know whats the point of this map. It is almost like a deathrun but there is noone behind the scenes. You have only 1 try, if you fail you can watch the rest of the game in spec or from a stand. If all fail the map is over and you can try it again if you want.
/>Every Level is time based so you cant camp all the time. Every level has original background music from the TV show.
/>8 - 9 stages planned.
/>Knock Knock
/>Honeycomb Maze
/>Skipping Stones
/>High Rollers
/>Pre Final
/>Final Showdown
/>3 stages done.
/>Knock Knock (10 Walls à 7 doors with different solutions... even me never know the way)
/>Honeycomb Maze (a Maze which looks like a Honeycomb, choose the wrong door and you will fall into water, also with different solutions)
/>Skipping Stones (Not all stones are save, also custom ways)
/>First Pics:
/>Thx to Blutrausch to make new stones which looks more like the original.
/>Just a first test of stage 4. As you can see it is really too fast. XD wooooschhhh.
/>Imagine the music while you play this stage. Its so much fun. xD
/>Takeshi's Castle BGM - Wipeout
/>Stage 5: High Rollers
/>The rotating depends on which side you are standing. Starts slow but its getting faster. So be fast but careful.
/>Stage 6: Bridge Ball (First Test)
/>Yes, a map has outtakes too...
/>Stage 6 bridge works now, next will be the cannons which shoot balls at you, stage 7 will be "avalanche", then pre-final and final. So the end is near.
/>Stage 6: Bridge Ball
/>First cannon works, do not touch that ball!!! :S
/>Pretest Stage 7: Avalanche (just to check the correct height)
/>BTW: Thanks Blutrausch for the stones in "Skipping Stones", the cannon balls in "Bridge Balls" and the rocks in "Avalanche"
/>Decorated Lobby
/>Stage 7: Avalanche
/>Maybe a bit too hard, but possible.
/>And view from top
/>First Skybox Tests: Needs some fixes but still nice i guess. + Moving clouds.
/>This is in the skybox.
/>Why i made the whole map in miniature?
/>Well, it isnt really, its only textures and the reason why i made this is cause of the avalanche stage, this stage has an overview of the whole map
/>and this would laag badly or if i would make areaportal you wouldnt see the last stages, but i need areaportals for every stage for best performance
/>so i made textures of all stages and if youre on the top of avalanche it seems you can see the whole map.
/>Same if you are on the stages before avalanche, you will just look at a avalanche texture. Illusion is perfect Nice trick huu? XD
/>And this is something new in the lobby. What? You cant see it? ; D
/>Ok, i make it big! YES! Its a dragon-fly (Libelle), A few fly in the lobby with vibrating swings.
/>Had an Console Error Spam first but fixed it, good side effect of my fix is you can better see her body cause before that the body was vibrating too and almost invisible.
/>Pre-Final: Choose the right holes, 2 of them are bad. And its not always the same.
/>Since Valve thinks HL2DM is only for DM or since they try to burry it to get new players at games which you have to pay for i decided to not even try the Final-Level with Airboats which have laserguns. (would be possible normally)
/>I think i should use my second option, some moving (cars) where players can stand on it and shoot some moving targets at the castle. Its not like original but also ok i guess.
/>Maybe i can also let shoot some weapons from the castle at the players so winning and loosing would be possible.
/>Finished the Castle, now some smaragd guards which shoot at you and then its almost done.
/>I only had this picture and some Youtube Videos. My castle is a bit more stretched but it looks almost like the original.
/>A _beta is running on Puzzle/Coop. Not in mapcycle, if you maybe want to test it ask an admin. cg_takeshis_castle_beta23
/>There are still some little bugs and without a good noblock plugin its very hard, but possible. Tell me your opinion or show me bugs.
/>- A purple box under antlion-guard. Already know how to fix.

Map'n'Modding / [MAPPING] cg_puzzle_pyramid
« on: June 16, 2012, 01:43:53 pm »
Sorry for update again. But if you once played with HDR effects you wont miss it.
/>Updated version of Puzzle Pyramid now available on [MFH] Puzzle/Coop Server.
/>New in version 07:
/>* new lava textures cause the old was bugged by Valve's OB Update
/>* new secret in Main-Map (have fun)
/>* Bonus-Map (Fire Level) a bit easier now
/>* HDR Compile (You will see the difference) dont forget to wear sunglasses at this map  8) (and make sure you activated it in your video options)
/>Fixed in version 07:
/>* Level 2 (was bugged by Valve's OB Update)
/>* Sounds now all custom cause i heard that sometimes some players can't hear the original HL2 Sounds
/>Known bugs:
/>* Helicopter is not flying correctly if he get too much hits by RPG (Valve OB Bug) atleast he is there and can be shoot down :P
/>Little update:
/>_v08: (_v08_1 / _v08_2)
/>- fixed a DisableMotion bug
/>- replaced old static palms with new animated models
/>- Bonus Map (Level Fire Stone) a bit easier

Map'n'Modding / [MAPPING] cg_puzzle_park
« on: June 16, 2012, 01:20:37 pm »
I finally present my new puzzle-map. cg_puzzle_park
/>Now available on [MFH] PUZZLE/COOP Server
/>The map is really big so if you have problems with download use my mapdownload-section and just unzip the file in your map folder.
/>Big thanks to Blutrausch for some great models, Icewind for his Keyboard sounds which i was asking for some months ago and all BETA-Tester.
/>Enjoy it.  :)
/>/EDIT: Found a little bug in Level09...  :(  Don't know why? With this bug finish it is impossible. Ask admin to do this.
/>V03 is on the way.
/>/EDIT2: Now i know why, copy paste is not always that good... XD
/>For all who understand: I copied the settings of the trigger_physics_trap of level06 for level09... i just forgot to delete the setting for parent cause in level06 the trigger_physics_trap is parent of the lasers... thats why the traps in level09 was always moving with level06 laser... bad fail...  :P
/>Also made level06 and level09 easier.
/>Changelog _v04:
/>* Level 01, Level 06, Level 08, Level 09 a bit easier
/>* Level 03 changed a bit
/>* Level 07 changed (new level)
/>* added some new textures
/>* added some new sounds
/>* changed ending, helicopter deleted (new BIG (scary) ending)
/>* HDR Compile
/>* fixed OB-Bug (disappearing prop_physics_respawnable)
/>* fixed stuck in lobby spawns
/>Map is now bigger than before ~175MB (zipped ~95MB) so if you have problems with downloading from server use downloadlink.
/>Enjoy it.  :)
/>Map will hopefully run on server in the next 1 or 2 hours. Downloadlink will work then too.
/>- Ending looks stable and works as it should be.
/>- Found Lag/Crash Bug in Level 2 (Linux cant handle the spider model correctly)
/>- I will fix it tommorow ( maybe change spiders with fast_headcrabs or a spider model without animation )
/>- for now the map is out of mapcycle
/>Changelog _v05:
/>* fixed Level 2 (no lag anymore)
/>There was still a crash first test but than it works, if you know what it is let me know.
/>Map is now bigger than before ~175MB (zipped ~95MB) so if you have problems with downloading from server use downloadlink.
/>Enjoy it.  :)
/>First Video on Youtube. The Final-Sequence.
/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
/>Update at work!
/>A mole in my garden!  >:(
/>May i should visit the mole? But, its so dark and deep.  :(
/>Omg, im in the mole hole and cant get up, may this dragonfly can help me?  ???
/>I finally present the updated version of cg_puzzle_park.
/>The new version includes 2 maps like puzzle_pyramid.
/>So v06_1 (Puzzle) should be in the mapcycle and v06_2 (Bonus) not.
/>Also if possible v06_2 shouldn't use the gelee-noblock-plugin. Could be a problem near the ending.
/>I really hope everything works but if you find a bug please let me know.
/>Have fun. :)
/>Changelog v06: (v06_1 / v06_2)
/>* replaced most .wav files with .mp3
/>* removed the surprise present in lobby
/>* added 2 new achievements
/>* fixed some little bugs
/>* changed Level 10-6
/>* fixed the Disable-Motion Bug
/>* added some new models (like NES)
/>* no HDR Compile for better performance on slow user-systems
/>* and many more little changes i cant remember anymore
/>* added a Bonus Map (v06_2) Big map with some really cool effects, models and sound (also my own voice  :P )

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