I always thought about a map where every level is made by a different mapper.

/>So i just bring this project up.

Lets hope it will work.


/>If you are good in mapping and having an idea for a puzzle level then you're welcome.



- Lobby will be made by me

- I think about 10 levels

- I think about 1 Level per mapper



- Your level should be possible to solve of course

- Your level only needs a player_start which will be deleted later by me

(the teleport from lobby will made by me)


- Your level should not reach

~10% brushs/brushsides,

~10% entdata and so on

(so max with 10 levels is max.

100%, i can optimize much but not everything)


- Every level can have a sign with your name if you want, if not i will give credits in lobby anyway of course

- You can upload your level



and post the link here if you want for beta-test

- If you think you're done you need to send me the

.vmf file in private and maybe the custom stuff



- Always check your map for problems, if a map is too buggy and has too much problems which give much work too fix i could maybe denied it

- If needed give some intructions to me, if there is something special i need to know


/>Lets see how it's going.

Good luck.