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Author Topic: [MAPPING] cg_puzzle_pyramid  (Read 5515 times)


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[MAPPING] cg_puzzle_pyramid
« on: June 16, 2012, 01:43:53 pm »

Sorry for update again. But if you once played with HDR effects you wont miss it.
/>Updated version of Puzzle Pyramid now available on [MFH] Puzzle/Coop Server.
/>New in version 07:
/>* new lava textures cause the old was bugged by Valve's OB Update
/>* new secret in Main-Map (have fun)
/>* Bonus-Map (Fire Level) a bit easier now
/>* HDR Compile (You will see the difference) dont forget to wear sunglasses at this map  8) (and make sure you activated it in your video options)
/>Fixed in version 07:
/>* Level 2 (was bugged by Valve's OB Update)
/>* Sounds now all custom cause i heard that sometimes some players can't hear the original HL2 Sounds
/>Known bugs:
/>* Helicopter is not flying correctly if he get too much hits by RPG (Valve OB Bug) atleast he is there and can be shoot down :P
/>Little update:
/>_v08: (_v08_1 / _v08_2)
/>- fixed a DisableMotion bug
/>- replaced old static palms with new animated models
/>- Bonus Map (Level Fire Stone) a bit easier
