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Author Topic: [MAPPING] cg_football  (Read 5048 times)


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[MAPPING] cg_football
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:28:25 pm »

/>* fixed no gravgun while playing, added gravgun at entry
/>* fixed ball block in corner, added clips (should work better)
/>* fixed fast goal abuse, edited time before new ball spawns after goal
/>* fixed sound spam, edited time before a sound-trigger can start again
/>added things for no block of ball in corner/sites and so on like:
/>* corner-trigger (if ball goes out left or right of goal it will teleported to corner for corner-kick)
/>* out-trigger (if balls goes out of field it will be pushed up and in for Throw-in)
/>(The ball is more inside now and not always blocked on walls and corners... much better play-feeling)
/>* added corner-flags
/>* added new referee-sound (for corner and out)
/>Changelog _v07:
/>* fixed OB-Bug: disappearing ball (prop_physics_respawnable)
/>* HDR Compile
/>First Youtube Video, to pitty it has soundlags.
/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 07:59:20 pm by Chris@GPOINT™ »
