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Author Topic: [MODDING] My first Fallout New Vegas Mods  (Read 6838 times)


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[MODDING] My first Fallout New Vegas Mods
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:32:58 pm »

You want to cheat? You dont want to loose achievements? Best way is a mod... i made this little mod for Fallout New Vegas.
/>Only download it if you really want to cheat!!!
/>1) Download this file! --->  !DOWNLOAD!
2) Unzip it in your STEAM/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/Data  -folder
/>3) Start the FalloutNVLauncher.exe
/>4) Here click on Data Files and activate the file Cheat.esp
/>5) Start Fallout New Vegas
/>6) Go to the house where you awaked (Dr. Mitchell) and left of this automat where you has set your strength and so on is a shelf... in this shelf there is a Gun Case... OPEN IT! And be the happiest Cheater of the world! And dont take all or you will get problems with your weight! You can also use Console God-Cheat if you want to take all but this would be real cheating.
/>If you want more stuff in this box let me know... :P I can make v02 if you want! XD
/>Gun Case Inventory:
/>- 100x Gauss Gun (Gaussgewehr) with 10.000 Damage
/>- 10.000 Micro Fusion Cells (Ammo for the Gauss Gun)
/>- 1000 Super-Stimpacks
/>- 65535 Caps (max of MOD)
/>- all Bobble Heads!!! XD
/>New Mod:
/>All Weapons dont need Ammo, dont have weight and dont need to reload!
/>- Not compatible with Cheat.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first!
/>- No Ammo dont work for grenades and mines!
/>1) Download this file! --->  !DOWNLOAD!
2) Unzip it in your STEAM/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/Data  -folder
/>3) Start the FalloutNVLauncher.exe
/>4) Here click on Data Files and activate the file Weapons_NOAmmoWeightReload_CG_v01.esp
/>5) Start Fallout New Vegas
/>6) Have fun!
/>Extra: In Doc Mitchells house in the shelf box is a little present for you if you want!
/>New Mod:
/>You will get many magazines so you can Level Up your lockpicking, science or whatever you want to max 100.
/>- Not compatible with Cheat.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first!
/>- Not compatible with Weapons_NOAmmoWeightReload_CG_v01.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first! You can enable it after you leveled up your character but disable this mod than.
/>- The magazines are in Doc Mitchells house in the shelf box!

/>1) Download this file! --->  !DOWNLOAD!
2) Unzip it in your STEAM/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/Data  -folder
/>3) Start the FalloutNVLauncher.exe
/>4) Here click on Data Files and activate the file magazines_LevelUp_Max_CG_v01.esp
/>5) Start Fallout New Vegas
/>6) Have fun!
/>New Mod:
/>The Euclids C Finder (german: Euclids C Detector) is the most powerful weapon in Fallout New Vegas ( /call Mothership Zeta  ;) ) but what if you made the wrong choice in the HELIOS ONE Quest?  :o You cant activate this weapon anymore?  :-\ WRONG!!! With this mod the weapon is activated immediatly after you've got it.  :D And you dont need ammo so the "only use every 24 hours" limit is disabled!  :P
/>- Not compatible with Cheat.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first!
/>- Not compatible with Weapons_NOAmmoWeightReload_CG_v01.esp! Disable or delete this Mod first! If you want a Combo-Mod ask me!
/>1) Download this file! --->  !DOWNLOAD!
2) Unzip it in your STEAM/SteamApps/common/fallout new vegas/Data  -folder
/>3) Start the FalloutNVLauncher.exe
/>4) Here click on Data Files and activate the file Euclids_C_Finder_activated.esp
/>5) Start Fallout New Vegas
/>6) Have fun!
/>How to get this weapon?
/>In New Vegas Freeside, 2 kids running along the street and the boy has a little gun in his hand, looks like a toy gun, you can ask him for this gun, he wants 1.000.000 Caps first but if you talk again he says 1000 Caps, still too much, with good speech you can get this gun for 20 caps... you can also wait till night and rob this boy.
/>This gun doesnt work at all normally... (Shit he scammed you  >:( ) Naaa. You can activate this gun in the HELIOS ONE Quest but you have to choose the 4th option for the electricity (ARCHIEMEDES II)... so this mod is for all who didnt made this choice and/or didnt know that like me. I made this Quest before i've got this gun and after looking for infos about this gun in internet i thought: Shit... i need a mod.
/>This gun is very cool, works at day and night but not in houses as long as i tested. Normally cause its a big f***ing laser from space. XD You dont get connection in houses or underground.
