This video is for all players who think we don't work hard on Manni`s TEST House!







/>Not the best quality! And.



i hate fraps!!!






/>Greetz GPOINT




Here's my view of the things:
Quality is bearable I think 




/>Status v04:

(4maps version)

4 more fun.


/>Pictures doesnt show the final version, its fast compiled

(no lights)


Its just some little hints how it will look like.



unknown but i work hard on it at moment.



/>Biggest changes:


(2 trains left/right)


3 Stations







/>Changed cars:

(i forgot to make one of Blutrauschs Hostel)






/>Normal and Snow-Version:

(both Day and Night)







/>And some other changes and Secrets.







/>First Train finished, good movings i think, good sounds too.


/>Front looks a bit stupid i know but who cares.












/>Performance Test:










Blocking Train

/>Alyx OMG!

/>Alyx JUMP!



/>Cant show the last picture, it too brutal.







/>Next Test:

Train Surfing










/>Next Text:

Fixing Cars




/>Icewind cant open cause of Child Lock:






was heavy to open the damn f.

/>But anyway, the
helped me


/>And tested how it is to sit in a better car than a


/>And then he found his pistol.




/>Execution Room:




and Headcrabbutton




-18 blizzard,

- 18 trigger,

- 36 brushs,

- 8 headcrabs,

-8 spawner,

-3 headcrabsettings,

- 2 buttons,

-2 lights,

- 1 sound


-96 Entities.


/>Executionroom now with public viewing.








/>Teleport Bank



Hospital deleted

/>Teleport Hospital



SPAR Discount added

/>Changed Textures.




/>Bank-Secret Room:


/>Elevator fixed

(Money Stuck)






/>New secret way.



and more



/>Combine Base:








/>and more.







/>If everything works fine it will be legen.



wait for it.


















/>Areaportal_windows in G-Apps.

(Its fading in and out so the outside/inside is only rendering while going close to it)




/>LIVE Execution


/>Tunnel centre<

--->gollywood collapsed

(in memory of all the innocent players which got killed by willfully destroying deathmatchers)

There are 4 other ways for go to gollywood!




/>New vending machine


Maybe Chanz can make plugin, coffee

= 30 sec tripple-speed or something.

And improved cola automats.

(cans not falling down)





/>Can you figure out where this is?





/>New Grass in sewer cause old is compile-broken by OB Update.



/>New plates and signs on cars.








Im almost done btw.





/>Dont smoke!!!


/>The new map.





/>Are you ok?






/>Day and Night version finished.



day_we and night_we

(Winter Edition)



























Changelog v04:



- 2 new map version





(day/ night)


- Underground section

(2 trains/ canalisation)


- Pubic Viewing Executionroom

- 6 little new apps

- Minikillbox changed to Surprisebox

- Executionroom reduced to 4 deathbuttons

- many optimized brushwork

- Tunnel Centre/ Gollywood closed

- Matrix Teleporter changed

- new car models

- many texture/ sound changes

- some bugfixes

- and much more.













/>There is much more secrets and new apps but i dont show everything.










































+ 4 different


brandnew soundscapes.txt files

(21 different soundscapes added on

~180 places)

with much custom sounds.

Great atmosphere.

My personally favourite

= Creep Apps! Makes poo in pants! XD


/>Im almost done btw.

Maybe next weekend.










/>Jails updated.

Pictures dont have Lights/Shadows!
























Changelog v05:



- 18 new apps

- Creep apps fixed

- fixed the christmas tree in Surprise Box xD

- fixed a texture in bank

- new hospital

- new area



- new PD areas

- new area

(Parking Garage)


- changed most custom textures resolution from 512x512 to 256x256



- changed all

.wav soundfiles to


- added more areaportals



- removed useless brushworks



- added Cookie Quest

- removed 3 floors of elevator in Berni's Hotel Sunshine

(saved entities, more performance)


- added custom soundscapes

(different in every version)


- changed some zone sizes

- added nocrime zone

- changed day/night change from 7am/pm to 6am/pm

- removed DLC Player-Model


/ Kitty3

/ Kitty4)


- added DLC Sound


/ summer

/ winter

/ space

(7 different)



- added 2 new jobs

(Space Cowboy

/ Space Invader)


- removed all leaks which was still there

(more performance

/ compile time reduced)


- changed sky


- changed lightings in all versions

(more shadows, more performance)


- closed most shops in

_night maps

- added breakable windows in

_night maps

- added openable windows in Blutrausch's Hostel and GPOINT's Appartments

- added bells at Manni's 4 Season Houses

- changed advertise in centre at


(custom made by me)


- changed Milk Shake Bar

- changed jails from 6 to 4 and with interior

- little change at laser quest in execution-room

- added 3 new fake houses at gollywood

- changed the sewer in desert



- added new fake houses in skybox

- added windows with lights in

_night maps

- i guess thats all






- fixed a server crash bug




Take a look at the streets.

















/>And of course they move.




(100% made by me)







/>Uh Oh XD