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Author Topic: [MAPPING] RP_CG_GTOWN  (Read 7826 times)


  • Map-Maker / Model-Maker
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« on: June 16, 2012, 02:48:24 pm »

This video is for all players who think we don't work hard on Manni`s TEST House! >:(
/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
/>Not the best quality! And... i hate fraps!!! :-X
/>Greetz GPOINT
Quote from: DarkerMark
Here's my view of the things: Quality is bearable I think :)
/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>

/>Status v04: (4maps version) 4 more fun.
/>Pictures doesnt show the final version, its fast compiled (no lights). Its just some little hints how it will look like.
/>RELEASE: unknown but i work hard on it at moment.
/>Biggest changes: Subway (2 trains left/right) roundtrack. 3 Stations
/>Changed cars: (i forgot to make one of Blutrauschs Hostel)
/>Normal and Snow-Version: (both Day and Night)
/>And some other changes and Secrets...
/>First Train finished, good movings i think, good sounds too.
/>Front looks a bit stupid i know but who cares. XD
/>Performance Test:
/>Test: Blocking Train
/>Alyx OMG!
/>Alyx JUMP!
/>Cant show the last picture, it too brutal.
/>Next Test: Train Surfing
/>Next Text: Fixing Cars
/>Icewind cant open cause of Child Lock:
Quote from: Icewind
Yay.. was heavy to open the damn f.... door  >:(
/>But anyway, the "officer" helped me  :police:
/>And tested how it is to sit in a better car than a "bobbycar":
/>And then he found his pistol...

/>Execution Room:
/>Thunderbutton (blue) and Headcrabbutton (brown) deleted. = -18 blizzard, - 18 trigger, - 36 brushs, - 8 headcrabs, -8 spawner, -3 headcrabsettings, - 2 buttons, -2 lights, - 1 sound = -96 Entities.
/>Executionroom now with public viewing. (ADULT ONLY)
/>Teleport Bank <---> Hospital deleted
/>Teleport Hospital <---> SPAR Discount added
/>Changed Textures.
/>Bank-Secret Room:
/>Elevator fixed (Money Stuck)
/>New secret way... and more
/>Combine Base:
/>Sound "Razzia" replaced.
/>and more...
/>If everything works fine it will be legen... wait for it...
/>....dary !!!
/>Areaportal_windows in G-Apps. (Its fading in and out so the outside/inside is only rendering while going close to it)
/>LIVE Execution
/>Tunnel centre<--->gollywood collapsed (in memory of all the innocent players which got killed by willfully destroying deathmatchers) There are 4 other ways for go to gollywood!
/>New vending machine (coffee) Maybe Chanz can make plugin, coffee = 30 sec tripple-speed or something. And improved cola automats. (cans not falling down)
/>Can you figure out where this is? ;)
/>New Grass in sewer cause old is compile-broken by OB Update.
/>New plates and signs on cars.
/>OPS. Im almost done btw.
/>Dont smoke!!!
/>The new map.
/>Are you ok? :S
/>Day and Night version finished... day_we and night_we (Winter Edition) almost
/>Changelog v04:
/>- 2 new map version (_snow/ _winter) = (day/ night)
/>- Underground section (2 trains/ canalisation)
/>- Pubic Viewing Executionroom
/>- 6 little new apps
/>- Minikillbox changed to Surprisebox
/>- Executionroom reduced to 4 deathbuttons
/>- many optimized brushwork
/>- Tunnel Centre/ Gollywood closed
/>- Matrix Teleporter changed
/>- new car models
/>- many texture/ sound changes
/>- some bugfixes
/>- and much more...
/>There is much more secrets and new apps but i dont show everything.
/>+ 4 different (day/night/snow/winter) brandnew soundscapes.txt files (21 different soundscapes added on ~180 places) with much custom sounds. Great atmosphere. My personally favourite = Creep Apps! Makes poo in pants! XD
/>Im almost done btw. Maybe next weekend... maybe. Compiling... :s
/>Jails updated. Pictures dont have Lights/Shadows!
/>Hmm... ?
/>Changelog v05:
/>- 18 new apps
/>- Creep apps fixed
/>- fixed the christmas tree in Surprise Box xD
/>- fixed a texture in bank
/>- new hospital
/>- new area (Space)
/>- new PD areas
/>- new area (Parking Garage)
/>- changed most custom textures resolution from 512x512 to 256x256 (performance)
/>- changed all .wav soundfiles to .mp3
/>- added more areaportals (performance)
/>- removed useless brushworks (performance)
/>- added Cookie Quest
/>- removed 3 floors of elevator in Berni's Hotel Sunshine (saved entities, more performance)
/>- added custom soundscapes (different in every version)
/>- changed some zone sizes
/>- added nocrime zone
/>- changed day/night change from 7am/pm to 6am/pm
/>- removed DLC Player-Model (Kitty2 / Kitty3 / Kitty4)
/>- added DLC Sound (tnt / summer / winter / space (7 different))
/>- added 2 new jobs (Space Cowboy / Space Invader)
/>- removed all leaks which was still there (more performance / compile time reduced)
/>- changed sky _day
/>- changed lightings in all versions (more shadows, more performance)
/>- closed most shops in _night maps
/>- added breakable windows in _night maps
/>- added openable windows in Blutrausch's Hostel and GPOINT's Appartments
/>- added bells at Manni's 4 Season Houses
/>- changed advertise in centre at _winter (custom made by me)
/>- changed Milk Shake Bar
/>- changed jails from 6 to 4 and with interior
/>- little change at laser quest in execution-room
/>- added 3 new fake houses at gollywood
/>- changed the sewer in desert (performance)
/>- added new fake houses in skybox
/>- added windows with lights in _night maps
/>- i guess thats all
/>Changelog _v06:
/>- fixed a server crash bug
/>Hmmm? Take a look at the streets. :P
/>And of course they move... XD (100% made by me)
/>Uh Oh XD
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 07:58:07 pm by Chris@GPOINT™ »



  • Map-Maker / Model-Maker
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« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2012, 03:09:37 pm »

Changelog v06:
/>- added new version (_special = rain)
/>Changelog _v07:
/>- fixed some texture bugs
/>- hopefully fixed the radio-ufo push
/>- fixed the cookie-back push
/>- added _snow and _winter version
/>- new ways
/>- changed water texture in map _special from dev_water2 to dev_water3 for a bit smoother reflection change
/>- planes in sky (Bug?)
/>DOWNLOAD: Coming soon
/>The planes in the sky seems not working somehow. (in _winter they are just little red points with black steam) I`ve tested them also with my second account which doesn't even have materials, models, sounds or anything else... just the map and the planes work. That's why im confused.
/>I've also tested with someone this: I've send him the texture files and its still not working. And the textures are also in the map.
/>Tell me if you also can see only white or purple lines in the sky.
/>For now only v07_winter is running until i know how to fix it and to not let you download too much.
/>The only reason what i still can think about is a graphic card problem or some pc settings... dont know. For me they work without any problem cause its just a texture... :/
/>The bug with the planes is the worst bug i've ever saw. Today i've tested a bit with the texture and made a little testmap, i've send it to Blutrausch and he tested it and saw the new planes, i was happy but carefully. I've made a second testmap with the new ones and the old ones... all worked. I had the same problem again, i still don't knew how to fix it.
/>So i've send the testmap to Dr.Toxic cause he was still online, he tested it and saw all planes... now i came to the glorious idea he should now test GTOWN... tada all planes worked...
/>Want to see my face at this moment? Don't think so...
/>So the only reason which is still possible could be a secundary save.dat or something else, if you saw the planes on a little map you can see them always... dunno.
/>So, how to fix it? I have no idea!
/>Want to see the planes too (hopefully)? Download the testmap and just start it once and maybe watch the sky and then connect to server!

/>This is not a perfect solution and i will still try to fix that problem somehow.
/>If someone is asking about the sky you can give him this link and instructions.
/>Changelog v08:
/>- Planes removed cause of unfixable bug, atleast not fixable in map
/>- fixed a decal bug
/>- fixed a fade bug
/>- little bit edited tunnel to parking garage
/>- little new game (Idea: Huli)
/>- changed winter snowtextur-propdata: snow to -propdata: paper (no sliding...)
/>- changed pool icetextur-propdata: glass to -propdata: snow (sliding)
/>- added some more puddles in _special
