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Author Topic: [SUPPORT] Source SDK /HL2DM Engine 2009  (Read 7094 times)


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[SUPPORT] Source SDK /HL2DM Engine 2009
« on: June 15, 2012, 10:31:07 pm »

Maybe some of you have still problems to load the Hammer Editor for Half-life 2 Deathmatch with the new Engine 2009.
/>So i quote a post from the Steam-Forums.

/>You have to manually configure SDK to load Deathmatch under Source 2009.
/>- Click on Edit Game Configurations
/>- Under Current Game Configuration:, click on add.
/>- A box will appear where you can manually input the name and directory of the game you wish load using Source 2009 SDK.
/>- For Name, enter the name of the game you will be loading into SDK. In this case, it will be Half-Life 2: Deathmatch or any other name you so wish to choose.
/>- For Directory, click browse... or manually input the directory of the installed game files. For deathmatch, it will be <install drive|directory>\Valve\Steam\Steamapps\<account name>\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp

/>- Once you have completed these steps, you will need to close Source SDK and re-open it.
/>- When Source SDK has reopened, select Source 2009 under Engine Version and Current Game select Half-Life 2: Deathmatch (or whatever previous name you put in for DM.)
/>- Now load Hammer Editor, and from the dropdown menu, select Tools -> Options...
/>- A Game Configurations window will appear, and make sure Half-Life 2 Deathmatch is selected as you Configuration.
/>- Below this you will see Game Data files: where there currently should only be one FGD file loaded - $SteamUserDir\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\base.fgd - You will need to change this!
/>- Select $SteamUserDir\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\base.fgdand remove it.
/>- Once you have done this, click on add, and select hl2mp.fgd from your ..\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\ folder.
/>- After you completed the final step, you may need to close and restart Hammer to load the new FGD file and hl2mp entities.
/>Hope this will help anyone having trouble loading the Deathmatch under Source 2009.  ;)
