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Author Topic: [HOWTO] create custom textures for Source SDK Hammer Editor?  (Read 15775 times)


  • Map-Maker / Model-Maker
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/>How to create custom textures for Source SDK Hammer Editor?
/>STEP 1 )
/>Find or create a picture and open it with, GIMP
/>or any other photo/picture editor which can save pictures as .tga!
/>STEP 2 )
/>Locate the "Change Size" Button!
/>STEP 3 )
/>Change the size to something which is divisible by
/>2! Example: 1024x1024 or 1024x512 or 256x1024 (i mostly try to
/>choose the same value for Heigth and Width)
/>STEP 4 )
/>Now "save as" your file in folder [1]
or create your own folder in it [2] and
/>save the file there. Choose a name (smiley) and save as .tga
/>STEP 5 )
/>Now its a bit complicated. Open 3 windows with
/>path [1], path [2] and path
/>In path window [1] locate
/>your smiley.tga, in path window [2] locate the
/>STEP 6 )
/>Drag [1] and Drop
your smiley.tga at the vtex.exe!
/>STEP 7 )
/>This will open a window where you can see the
/>create process of your texture. If it looks like the picture it
/>should be correct. If you can see an error which says that pictures
/>have to be divisible by 2 then you didnt changed the size correctly.
/>After this process a new folder in your 3rd window is created
/>depending on where you've saved the file before.
/>STEP 8 )
/>Open this new folder and locate your smiley, the
/>new ending is now .vtf!
/>STEP 9 )
/>In the same folder create a .txt [1]
now and put the following text [2] in
/>it. The folder GPOINT should be replaced with your folder name, if
/>you saved your file to materials then you only have to write smiley
/>without GPOINT/
/>For surfaceprop you can choose many other options
/>instead of wood. Examples: paper, brick, concrete, stone, glass
/>"$basetexture" "GPOINT/smiley"
/>STEP 10 )
/>Now "save as" your file, before you save choose
/>"all files" [1] and save it as smiley.vmt
/>[2] to the same folder where the .vtf is!
/>STEP 11 )
/>Now you should have a smiley.vtf and a smiley.vmt
/>file in your materials/... folder!
/>STEP 12 ) Final Step
/>Now open your Source SDK Hammer
/>Editor, open the texture-browser, search for smiley [1]
and Tadaaa, there is your smiley [2] and
/>can be used as a normal texture for your map.
/>FOR STEP 5 )
Quote from: Blutrausch
I wrote
/>a small batch so u mustn´t locate ur folder where your vtex.exe
/>is.Just download the batch,
/>put it on your desktop and drag and drop
/>it the tga over this file.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 12:21:32 am by Chris@GPOINT™ »
