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Author Topic: [HOWTO] add a custom texture to your map.bsp?  (Read 11188 times)


  • Map-Maker / Model-Maker
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[HOWTO] add a custom texture to your map.bsp?
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:30:18 am »

/>How to add a custom texture to your map.bsp?
/>STEP 1 )
/>First at all you need a map, in my example i made a little box with just a info_player_start in it.
/>STEP 2 )
/>Now you need a custom texture in your map, in my example i use the smiley and replaced one wall in my box with it.
/>STEP 3 )
/>You can compile your map now and test it and you will see the custom texture...
/>STEP 4 )
/>... BUT if you want to share your map with other players only you can see it, all the others will see this.
/>STEP 5 )
/>You need Pakrat to put your custom texture into the .bsp so other player can see the texture too. Download Pakrat here: !DOWNLOAD!
/>Unzip it in any folder you want and open the pakrat.jar (You need Java to start Pakrat, read the README for more informations)
/>STEP 6 )
/>Pakrat will automatically open the browser, if not use File/Load BSP. Now search for your map [1], in my example it's cg_howto01.bsp and open it. [2]
/>STEP 7 )
/>On a normal map without any custom stuff should be only 2 files (cubemapdefault). Press AUTO now.
/>STEP 8 )
/>In my example the Auto Scan found 3 files. Press YES.
/>STEP 9.1 )
/>You will see now the smiley.vmt and smiley.vtf in the list, the .ain file is an automatically generated file. You can now save your BSP with File/Save BSP.
/>(Info: If you have much more custom stuff you should maybe press Auto again and save again so long until the scan find nothing anymore)
/>STEP 9.2 )
/>Save (overwrite) your .bsp! Now your map is ready for multiplayer and all player can see your custom texture.
/>(Pakrat will not only add textures to your map, it's also for sounds, models, soundscapes and all the other things what you can use in a map)
