
/>How to add a custom texture to your map.bsp?




/>STEP 1



/>First at all you need a map, in my example i made a little box with just a info_player_start in it.






/>STEP 2



/>Now you need a custom texture in your map, in my example i use the smiley and replaced one wall in my box with it.






/>STEP 3



/>You can compile your map now and test it and you will see the custom texture.








/>STEP 4







BUT if you want to share your map with other players only you can see it, all the others will see this.






/>STEP 5



/>You need Pakrat to put your custom texture into the

.bsp so other player can see the texture too.

Download Pakrat here:


/>Unzip it in any folder you want and open the pakrat.jar

(You need Java to start Pakrat, read the README for more informations)






/>STEP 6



/>Pakrat will automatically open the browser, if not use File/Load BSP.

Now search for your map


, in my example it's cg_howto01.bsp and open it.







/>STEP 7



/>On a normal map without any custom stuff should be only 2 files



Press AUTO now.






/>STEP 8



/>In my example the Auto Scan found 3 files.

Press YES.






/>STEP 9.1



/>You will see now the smiley.vmt and smiley.vtf in the list, the

.ain file is an automatically generated file.

You can now save your BSP with File/Save BSP.



If you have much more custom stuff you should maybe press Auto again and save again so long until the scan find nothing anymore)






/>STEP 9.2






.bsp! Now your map is ready for multiplayer and all player can see your custom texture.


(Pakrat will not only add textures to your map, it's also for sounds, models, soundscapes and all the other things what you can use in a map)

